South Australia - Colonial period: 1856-1900.
Telegraph Offices on the line to the South.


The Post & Telegraph Office opened on 19 December 1874. Mrs. Machel - formerly of the Normanville Office - was in charge.

The Minister of Education told a deputation, on 11 July 1873, that money had been voted for a Post & Telegraph Office and that construction would start when a site had been decided upon. Work began at the end of March 1874 - the site being opposite the Aldinga Hotel. It was expected that the completed building would be "an ornament to the township". On its completion, the Weekly Chronicle of 3 October 1874 said "After being nearly six months in course of erection, the new post and telegraph office is finished. It contains five rooms, besides the office and, having been built with very pretty stone, presents a neat appearance, and is quite an ornament to the township".



The Telegraph Office opened in ?? 1879.

In September 1878, " there was a prospect of our long-talked of telegraph line being commenced. It has been pegged and surveyed and tenders called for its construction".


Coromandel Valley.

The Telegraph Office was opened on 7 June 1879,


The Telegraph Office opened on 3 September 1859. On 1 August 1861, a group of 38 residents petitioned the House for the Post Office to be removed to the Telegraph Office.

A large new office was constructed in 1880 which included additions to the residence. The cost was £828.

In 1902 a cable station was opened at/near Glenelg as the shore station for the Cape-Cottesloe-Glenelg submarine cable.

Glenelg Post Office and Town Hall in early 1900s.

Glenelg Post & Telegraph Office about 1911.
TELEGRAPH can be seen above the righ hand door.

Early postal date stamps began to be used on telegrams. Those for Glenelg were framed.

Diameter: 22 mm.

The example shown to the right is the earliest use of a
date stamp on a telegram in South Australia.

Number of examples used on a telegram in the Census: 1.

4 November 1876.
Used on SC-DO-4A.

A steel circular TELEGRAPH date stamp (RC1 - T) was used at Glenelg.

Used: 30 June 1981.


Rated: RRRR.

Number in the Census: 1.

Glenelg Teleg
30 June 1981.


The Post Office at Meadows was opened on 18 July 1850. It then closed on 29 February 1852 but was relisted as a Post Office on 1 January 1855.

Telephone facilities were established in May 1900. Presumably the Telegraph facilities began operation soon after.

Meadows P&TO about 1902.

On 16 April 1864, the Adelaide Observer reported:

"A strong plea for participation in the advantage of telegraphic communication is set up on behalf of the people of Milang. The large amount of cereal produce raised annually in the district entitles the growers to the same facilities for information as to the state of the principal markets as their competitors in other districts. As telegraphic extension has in such localities generally been self-supporting, there is the less reason to refuse compliance with the request of the residents in this case.".

Milang Post & Telegraph Office about 1920.

On Wednesday 10 August, 1864, Mr. Rogers moved "that the House itself resolve itself into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of considering the motion:

"That an Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor-in-Chief praying His Excellency to recommend this House to make provision in the Estimates for the year 1864-65 to an extent not exceeding £500 for the purpose of extending telegraphic communication to Milang.
The people of Milang had been large contributors to the revenue and little or no public money had been expended in the district. There were annually 2,600 tons of wheat shipped at Milang. He only asked for the cost of the wire, as the district would provide office accommodation, and would provide a competent person to send the messages. He thought the extension of the telegraph to Milang would secure to the colony some of the Murray overland trade. He moved in the matter some five or six years ago, and it was then admitted that the matter was very desirable.
Mr. SANTO said the late Government approved of the expenditure, and said as the revenue would be £50 or £60 a year, and as the extension would conter great advantage upon the inhabitants of Milang, he would support the motion.
Mr. DUNN also supported the motion.
The COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS said the Government would accede to the motion, and would allow the clerk who was appointed to manage the office to receive the fees himself.
Mr. BAGOT hoped the Government would deal out equal justice to all parties, and not refuse extension of the telegraph line in other parts of the colony.
The motion was carried.

The Milang Post & Telegraph Office was opened on 2 March 1865. On 2nd January 1865, the South Australian Advertiser noted that Milang was one of five locations where "telegraph extension has been sanctioned".

A Telegraph Office also operated at the Railway station. Its opening date is unknown but it would be about 1865. This office closed in 1910.


The Adelaide Observer of 3 June 1865 reported that "Mr. COLTON presented a petition, signed by 34 persons in the district of Noarlunga, praying that the House would vote a sufficient sum for erecting a telegraphic station in the township of Noarlunga".

The telegraph line opened on 5 April 1866.

Charles Todd opened the line and used a portable battery he had brought with him to send the usual congratulatory messages as well as a few private telegrams. The officer in charge of the Railway Telegraph Station was responsible for the instrument.

On 19 Aug. 1891, £650 was gazetted for a new P&T Office - and this building was opened on 30 August 1892.



The Adelaide to Normanville telegraph line was completed on 22 September 1862. The Telegraph Office opened in 1863 when the Telegraph Office in Yankalilla was transferred to Normanville.



A Telegraph Office was opened at Willunga in 1857. A Post Office had been opened on 14 July 1849 at the Police Station.

In a debate in the House on 5 August 1861, Mr. Blyth noted that "he did not think agriculturists were likely to make use of the telegraph. He had nothing to do with the building of the Willunga Station".


The Telegraph Office open in 1862.

The Telegraph Office was first located - as a temporary measure - in the residence of the Clerk of the Local Court which was located about two miles from the Port. Soon after, the Post and the Telegraph Offices were housed in a building which had previously been a general store.

In the House of 5 August 1861, Mr. Duffield stated:

The new Post and Telegraph Office soon after it opened in 1910.
Source: NLA B30581.
"The district of Yankalilla had been neglected for years, and the Government thought it their duty to do what they could for it; the telegraph line was the first step towards an improvement".

The condition of the Office deteriorated and, in 1909, the new Federal Government let a tender for the construction of a new building. The laying of the foundation stone was performed by Miss C.A. Boucaut.:

"A bottle containing a list of all the churches and lodges, the names of the district councillors, justices of the peace, and business people of the township was previously deposited under the stone. An estimate of the population of the town, as well as a copy of 'The Advertiser' and the current coins of the realm, were also sealed up in the bottle. ... The building when completed will be a welcome addition to the town. The walls will be of dressed freestone".
)Chronicle 25 June 1910).